Friday, February 10, 2012

International Eggs

I am wildly picky about eggs. When we go out to restaurants I won't order anything with eggs -- or if I do I plan on being disappointed because so few cooks and chefs know how to cook an egg to a proper temp. This is why I love it when Brad offers to cook me eggs -- I know that he will make them perfect every time.

I order my eggs over easy and here is what a perfectly cooked over easy egg is all about. First there is no color on it -- if there is that means the egg is burnt and it should go in the trash (this happens so often when we go out). When I cut into the whites I can see three layers -- the slight crust that is on both sides and the tender white that is like a soft boil in the center.  There is no dangly unsightly uncooked white running about. I can pull these two layers apart and undress the yolk (if you will). If I am feeling playful then I can also take the yolk and roll it about in its little sack before puncturing the barrier and allowing the yellow goodness to run freely.

I've asked Brad many times�if he has any special tricks for egg cookery and he always says ... practice and patience -- you can't hurry an egg.

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