Friday, February 10, 2012

Sifter and Wisk

Hello All -- The fruit course turned into a chocolate cupcake (mini sized) with raspberry coulis�and fresh berries. The cake was moist, fluffy, and had a melt in your mouth quality that just couldn't be denied. The trick? Pretty simple and doesn't take any extra time. For scratch or box cake mixes it is all in the sifter and the whisk.

When you have all of your dry ingredients together send them through the sifter at least once. Then before you add your eggs separate�the whites from the yolks. Whip those�whites until they are stiff -- as in you can drag a knife through them and they stay where they have been moved. If the recipe�calls for oil whip it in slowly to the yolks so that you basically make a knock off mayonnaise. If the recipe has no oil, fluff up the yolks and add a touch of heavy cream to them. You can add the yolks in whatever way you want to the dry ingredients -- but the whites, the whites must be delicately folded in.

Pop it in the oven -- bake -- enjoy. Hopefully your cake will come out fluffy and fabulous!

Many of you have been asking Brad for his Green Chili recipie. It is so yummy I think we should bottle it -- I wonder how that would work? Come down and he'll give you a primer on the process and if you happen to be here on the day of making it may be hands on!

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